MS Schwag

Stuff Microsoft gave away at Bloghaus at CES

Ting fra Microsoft

A box of stuff Microsoft handed out at the CES Bloghaus. Oluf got number 3473 of 5000 limited boxes.

Cover off.

Ah, it's a ?Launch Kit?.

There's a mousepad with the Vista logo.

A booklet. The HP TouchSmart PC is in there...

An evaluation form. Office Live offers.

DVDs. A T-Mobile day pass.

A game, an easy transfer cable, two USB memory sticks. The SanDisk one is 2 GB in size!

The 2 GB USB memory stick and the promo stick (128 MB).

Vista promo materials.

Made with JAlbum 6.5
Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)